D.O. Day On The Hill: Getting Involved in Politics is Important

Our country’s political climate has changed dramatically this year. As healthcare providers, we’re powerful leaders in our communities and across the country. When faced with times of injustice, activism becomes a responsibility. It becomes vital for us to not only advocate for our patients and future patients, but also raise awareness for policies that affect our […]



The 5 Ways I Overcame My Burnout


I Still Don't Feel Like I Have a Mentor.

Dear Female Doc

A History


I'm Not Bossy.
I'm the Boss.

Workplace Challenges

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Intro Before we start talking about the differences a DO and a MD. I want to address the giant elephant in the room: There’s a stigma that DO’s are “less than” doctors somehow. In fact I commonly get these questions when asking about becoming a DO vs. a MD: “Is a DO even a real […]

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Workplace Challenges