Letters of recommendation are a staple of the medical school application process. While your PJS and secondaries are all about you showing off you, letters of rec show adcoms an outside perspective of your abilities and skills. That’s why it’s so important to choose referees that you know will write an outstanding letter on your […]
After all the preparation and studying you’ve done for the MCAT, it can be real nerve-wracking when you realize your test date is right around the corner. In the week leading up to your test, it’s so important to keep it positive! Motivate yourself and psych yourself up. You got this! Everyone handles stress differently, […]
One of the questions I’m commonly asked when students are applying to DO schools is about letters of recommendation. With many schools differing in their requirements for letters of rec, it can get a bit confusing if you need to send them, how many to send, and who they need to be from. Do I […]
Figuring out HOW to study is one of the best things you can do on your premed journey. By understanding the material at its core, you have a better chance of succeeding than just trying to memorize things. As a premed, I struggled to find study techniques that actually worked for me. When I got […]
Dear Female Doc, I’m scared that everything going on is going to push back my application a year. All my shadowing has been cancelled (so no doctor letter of recommendation), my post-bacc classes are online so they may not be taken as seriously for showing improvement from my low gpa, and all the MCAT dates […]
Intro Before we start talking about the differences a DO and a MD. I want to address the giant elephant in the room: There’s a stigma that DO’s are “less than” doctors somehow. In fact I commonly get these questions when asking about becoming a DO vs. a MD: “Is a DO even a real […]